Whoa, was that ever a hiatus!
Happy to say after one hell of a summer and a great fall, Canadian Shooter is up and running again.
And in my first new post, I bring us Holiday tidings...Both good and bad.
The good news is we have theUN monkey off of our backs for the time being. For those who aren't in the know, the UN has mandated that all newly produced firearms need to be stamped with their country of origin, and this stamping must comply with how the UN says it is to be done. So far the countries who have signed on to this bill are a collection of either third world dictatorships or jokes. Including this one.
The magic date (Dec. 7, 2007...How is that for another day of infamy?) was fast approaching, and the US gun manufacturing companies had almost all given a "no" to stamping their guns.
Think about that for a sec. No new US guns. No military surplus firearms entering the country. What would that do to our shooting industry? Most likey cripple it overnight, and spike the prices of guns already in the country dramatically.
The UN actually has the nerve to tell us that this is to help end conflicts like those in Africa. Right. Because in a world with over 22,000,000 AK-47s out there and where tin pot republics can buy fighter jets and gunship helicopters for what I make in a year, Africa would be sooo much safer, and there would be no more child soldiers and conflict diamonds, and we could all sing "koumbaya" if my guns have a special UN stamp on them.
Right. Don't piss a global gun control scheme and socialist engineering of society down my back and tell me it's raining. This is the same UN which has said there is no international right to armed self defense. You know, if I were paranoid, I might actually see them doing something like standing by and letting an African genocide take place, with policies like that!
Oh, wait....They did. I am so happy we have the Third World Debating Club to tell us how to run our country.
End sarcasm now....We dodged a huge bullet, even if D-Day was only postponed to December, 2009. Two more glorious, gun filled years for all of us and more time to slay this dragon.
And the bad news....
Our Quebec "Representatives" the FTQ have taken it upon themselves to speak for all of us before the Government again, saying proudly that they would support removing military style firearms and certain pistols from the hands of law abiding gun owners.
Here...watch it straight from the horse's mouth...their president. Video is in French.
Wow, there you have it. Why do the represent us? Because the Govt says they are the only organization that does! Coincidentally they are also the only organization that receives funding from Charest's Govt. Go figure.
Now I would hope this guy is scared to answer the phone and that his inbox has been spammed to hell in back, but I forgot the large part of Canadian gun owners who are content with the thought of being cuddled and sweet talked after the prison style butt reaming is done, don't I?
So here is what I did. I found every e-mail for every gun store and shooting club in Quebec I could get my grubby little hands on (Sadly this barely breaks one hundred...It's 2007 guys, get yourselves online!) and started mass mailing them the video clip. Hopefully they spread it around. Some signs in stores and shooting clubs would also be greatly appreciated.
Way to go, FTQ. With "friends" like you, we don't need enemies! Vidkun Quisling would be VERY proud.
If anyone else out there values their rights whatsoever, here's their contact info. Let 'em have it!!!