Wednesday, June 6, 2007

CTV's Paula Todd: Gun owner "Freakish"

Hey all.

Does anyone else here remember Wayne Chiang? Simply because he had posted pictures of himself with firearms, he was mistaken for being the Virginia Tech shooter.

Well, Wayne was invited to do a CTV interview to speak about Virginia Tech...Instead, he was ambushed on air and insulted off air.

Here is what Wayne has to say about the affair...

"Hey all, thanks for all the support! It means so much to me. The interview with Paula Todd was aired live on Wednesday April 18, 2007. I was supposed to talk about my experience at Virginia Tech, but ultimately ended up blindly walking into a firearms debate/ambush. That's why I look so retarded answering the questions.

The second video with the comments were off-air. CTV was nice enough to send me a copy of the interview and someone let the off-air portions slip through. After watching all the off-air parts, it was interesting to see how she personally greeted all her guests, except for me. She talks to at least seven other people and tells them the topic of discussion before hand. For me, I just ended up on camera talking at a wall to someone I couldn't see or ever heard of before. I suppose this must be the new tactic these news networks use...

Paula Todd:
Paula Todd #2:

The other piece of infamy is the picture mixup debacle. This one is just absurd and needs no explanation:"

Hmmm....wait...since I posted this one...something new has developed...

Wayne received this...

Dear Member:

This is to notify you that we have removed or disabled access to the following material as a result of a third-party notification by CTV Inc. claiming that this material is infringing:

CTV Paula Todd Thinks Gun Owners Are FREAKISH: (
Please Note: Repeat incidents of copyright infringement will result in the deletion of your account and all videos uploaded to that account. In order to avoid future strikes against your account, please delete any videos to which you do not own the rights, and refrain from uploading additional videos that infringe on the copyrights of others. For more information about YouTube's copyright policy, please read the "Copyright Tips" guide:"



So it's all well and good for terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah to post their propaganda which actually recruits children to be suicide bombers...But we can't have Wayne posting HIS CTV video! That's crazy talk!


HeadCount said...

Well, I checked out a few videos.

Fair use means the video was clearly made by YOU, not a tv station. I suggest some serious editing, maybe some footage from CNN who actually did a good interview with Wayne.

I can't believe that CTV couldn't accept that not all gun owners are killers. I'm surprised.

Canadians trust CTV for the news, and that's the biased/unfair coverage they got on this question?

Unreal. No wonder I'm seeing the pussification of Canada.

HeadCount said...

Geraldo thought Wayne was the shooter.

There seemed to be a comment on Wayne's site that said something to the effect of: May god forgive me for killing all my girlfriends.

wanusmaximus said...

Joel said...

He sure wouldn't be the only guy who said some ill advised stuff and ended up in hot water. Heck, if half of what I get caught saying ever made it online...

Hey, the director of Buttsecks himself showed up! How are ya Wayne?

HeadCount said...

We got celebrities? Right on!

You know what? Wayne said all the right things on CTV, but because of the reporter, his point never came across.

I still don't know where CTV leans, but I kinda know that Paula Todd is afraid of guns and believes that all guns are illegal.

Point is: Legal guns rarely kill people. It should be obvious, but it's not.

And I want to tell the world.

BTW, I can't access your live journal. It just doesn't appear. I'll try it later.

Joel said...

Yeah, we have a genuine famous person on the show tonight Red...Pretty cool huh.

I hope Wayne doesn't think this is the website I told him I administrate and that gets tens of thousands of hits per day.

Jebus, if this place gets 5 a day I'm happy!

HeadCount said...

You get some traffic?! I'm jealous!

I just saw the "freakish video". LOL

That guy was too "freakish", I didn't want to let him go?

Jimmy Breslin is an author. He wrote a book called "The Church That Forgot Christ", available on Amazone. He was probably the next guest on the show because he wished he could hear more from Wayne.

But hearing more wouldn't have revealed more. Paula thought Wayne was freakish. She would have kept at it no matter how long the interview was. Her "guns are bad" approach wasn't about to change.

Joel said...

No, Paula ain't about to change any time soon.

I was tellin Wayne, it strikes me as funny that CTV will play shows like "24" and such, but when it comes to the news, "Guns are bad!!!"

Hmm...What brings in more ad revenue...Jack Bauer shooting people...or the news?

She can take her arguements and stuff 'em. People getting shot on TV puts food on her table.