So..Here's a course on the inner workings of an M14 or M1A rifle!
First picture: Here's the M14 stripped down for cleaning in the field. Not a detailed clean, but just what ya have to worry about. On top is the rifle, removed from it's wood stock by unlatching the trigger guard and pulling out the firing mechanism. Underneath the rifle is the operating rod (Op Rod), the op rod spring, and spring guide. When assembled, the end of the spring pointed left goes over the guide, and the end to the right goes inside the op rod tube.
Second picture: Slightly right of the middle of this picture is the gas cylinder, underneath the barrel. If you look closely, you'll see the gas piston sticking out a few inches to the rear of the gas cylinder. Normally it is inside, and it is only exposed about .25 of an inch. On the bottom left is the front of the op rod. When assembled, it sits almost flushly against the gas cylinder, resting on that .25 inch of gas piston.
On firing the rifle, hot gas from the propellant race down the barrel and some are diverted into the gas cylinder. They hit the gas cylinder and force it rearward into the exposed position above with great force. The gas piston in turn smacks the op rod on the face, driving the op rod back, and compressing the op rod spring. The op rod takes the bolt with it all the way to the rear of the receiver, which ejects the empty casing. As it hits the end of it's travel, the op rod spring pulls the op rod and bolt forward again, chambering a fresh cartridge and cocking the hammer of the rifle. The gas piston is smacked by the op rod and driven back into hiding inside the gas cylinder.
Third picture: Here is the assembled rifle. You can see the face of the op rod is against the gas piston, which is back inside the gas cylinder where it belongs, and that the op rod spring is in position, with most of it actually inserted into the op rod. The firing controls are also shown. They are the trigger, hammer, and safety of the rifle. You can also see the trigger guard has been pulled open. That's all that is neccessary to remove the rifle from the stock. No screws, no tools.
Fourth picture: Here's the top of the rifle. You can see here where the front of the bolt's bottom lug (right hand actually) fits into the op rod to link the bolt and op rod together. When the gas piston slams the op rod rearward, it brings the bolt with it, camming and tilting the two locking lugs out of their grooves in the receiver and unlocking and opening the action when gas and pressure levels are safe.
Well, there's a basic course on the internal parts and operation of the M14...Hope it wasn't too boring!
If anyone wants more detailed explaination or to see more pics, just let me know!
Wow, I don't know what to say. Now I know exactly where that spring fits. It's so simple, I just never got it before.
Joel, buddy, I owe you one.
So now that you've fired all three, which one is the most fun to fire? Garand, Nagant or the M-14?
No thanks needed Red. I figured you'd dig a chance to see what goes on inside the rifle and there really aren't many pics like that online.
Whoa...Good question.
I gotta say to me, the Garand is the most fun, but thats because I am so fascinated by World War Two and the history of them.
Well, that and slamming an 8 round en bloc into her, and the PING she makes when she spits it back out always make me smile.
I prefer the M14 for all practical purposes though. I think if it had the history the Garand does, it would be a tie. Its a treat to shoot.
The Nagant is plenty fun too but I gotta put it last on the list in this case. Doesn't mean I don't love shooting them!
It's always tough to compare, isn't it?
Any chance you'll buy a Ross soon?
Yeah, comparisons are never easy. I'm sure plenty of guys prefer the Nagant or the M14.
The Ross...Uh...Not really! lol. Maybe if they were cheaper.
What I really want now is a C-8 style 14.5" barreled AR-15, a Colt .45 revolver and a 1911.
This place mentions the C8 as a carabine.
Looks good but I can't tell the difference between the C7A2 (rifle)and the C8A2 (carabine).
Is it just the length of the barrel?
Essentially yep. A carbine is a short rifle, esentially. I know in French the word denotes any rifle.
But yup, it's the same receiver and butt stock as the C7A2 rifle with basically the same upper, just a 14.5" barrel.
14.5" barrel? Is that legal in Canada?
God, I don't know anything, do I?
Ok, so I've heard of 16" barrels before. 14.5" sounds terribly sort for the barrel.
I do know there's a total length minimum, not sure what it is though...
Wait! Did you say I could ask for any pics I wanted?
I want a tall redhead with leather boots and a whip. No, MILF's don't count!
You DO realize you're talking to a man who's friends nicknamed him "Cougar bait" here right? :P
Barrel length.
This sucks so bear with me.
RIMFIRE RIFLES: No matter what kind, overall length must remain over 26" or else it is a Restricted firearm and must be registered accordingly. Yeah, you can have an 8 inch barrel if your stock and receiver give you a permanant 26" OAL.
CENTREFIRE REPEATERS: The stuff that has to be reloaded after every shot. Bolt action, lever action, etc etc. Much the same. Keep your overall length over 26" and no problemo amigo. Go below, and ya better have Restricted capability and register it as-per.
CENTREFIRE SEMI AUTOS: Barrel length restriction is 18.5". If you go under that it IS restricted.
Now here's the kicker my friend...The AR-15 family of rifles are Restricted class firearms NO MATTER WHAT BARREL LENGTH.
Thus, a 14.5" barrel is good to go. Hell, if I smoked some crack rock and decided my M14 needs a 10" barrel I could do that. Or say, build a SOCOM 16 style rifle, yeah I could shorten the barrel to 16".
I would have to re-register it accordingly as a restricted class firearm.
You know what that means boys and girls. ATT for every goddamn place you ever wanna bring it and you can only fire it on a range.
It's not that they don't trust us to own's that't trust us to own guns.
You see, it makes them feel so much safer to make me get written permission for everywhere I bring my gun if it's only got an 18.4" barrel! I am the same person, it is the same gun, but hey now, this is Commie Canada. We can't just let people own guns without Big Brother making sure we can never use them the way we need to! Can we?
Can we?!? Oh sweet baby Jebus. There's a scary thought.
I need to read some Jack Layton speeches to make me feel better.
I mentioned you on my blog yesterday.
I had to show Jean Charest talking about his new law plans concerning semi restrictions. He doesn't go into details, but he's still way off.
He even takes the time to say we can't do shite about "madness", but that won't stop him from doing something, anything. Anything in his power, he says.
It's in french, guys. Sorry.
English comments are always welcome.
A couple of sociopathic thugs from a welfare hellhole murder the kid down the street. Should we alter the law of the land to penalise law abiding Canadians?
Neo-Conservative, I hear what you're saying, it's terrible.
I happen to think the blame should lay where it should.
I dug up your link to the Globe and Mail article, and they say...
*"We have seen too many shootings result in too many funerals for our young people," Premier Dalton McGuinty wrote Thursday in an open letter to federal party leaders, urging them to push through proposed criminal justice legislation and implement a "real ban" on handguns.
Handguns are already severely restricted in Canada, and a handgun registry has been in force for more than 60 years.* also says...
*Mr. Miller said the two sources of handguns in Canada are guns stolen from collectors and guns that come from the U.S.*
That's right: Stolen guns and imported stolen guns.
Stealing a gun that won't be registered and associated with the right permit, that's ILLEGAL.
Murder, obviously is also illegal.
But criminals don't obey the law. Doesn't matter how many laws you make. Doesn't matter how strongly it's banned. Criminals just don't care.
I hate to talk about Kimveer Gill, but although his guns were legal and registered, he STILL made an illegal use of them.
Gill should have known that murder and suicide are both illegal and immoral.
But he did it anyway, which makes him a post-mortem criminal.
Whoa, lots of comments here!
Red, thanks for the mention on your blog dude.
The problem here is we're operating under the assumption that these assclowns actually think banning guns will make people safer...Couldn't be more off.
As Red and surely Neo Con know, a true Conservative govt. means more fiscal responsibility and accountability, smaller Government, and LESS Govt. intrusion into our lives.
We've had a lot of "Conservative" govts over the years. So have other countries. Sadly it's never REALLY happened.
The Libs want the opposite. They know just how we are supposed to live our own lives, and dammit, they'll enforce it upon us. It's for our own good!
They also want us more heavily dependant on Big Bro for things like housing, medical care, welfare , etc etc.
Viva socialism! Where the Govt makes sure everyone else is as mediocre as you are, and the guys who actually work get to foot the bill.
Another thing Conservatives love is keeping our moral values intact. Believe it or not, this includes not shooting up schools. Then again, when we actually have politicians supporting the Taliban and 9/11, it's kinda hard to not erode those values, isn't it?
What Layton does is nothing short of treason. The sad thing is, there are tons of ignorants out there who are swayed by his anti Canadian libel.
Joel said...
"As Red and surely Neo Con know, a true Conservative govt. means more fiscal responsibility and accountability, smaller Government, and LESS Govt. intrusion into our lives."
Yup, I agree with that statement and that is what I vote for.
It's just unfortunate that provincial politics suck and we have Mario Dumont as the "conservative" guy on the ballot...
He's got a lot of stuff that kinda weirds me right the "New Quebec Constitution" thing.
But damn, having a choice between the Libs and the PQ sure made things interesting.
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