Our volunteer was a 2.8L Sunny Delight bottle stuffed tight with newspaper soaking in water, and lit up at 100 meters. At that range, the 110 grain round must be doing about 3100 fps and it looks like it really comes apart.
This is one I have to film on impact for y'all one of these days! In the meantime, I have the aftermath here.
Here's the loaded rounds, and bullets
This load started with 51 grains of H4895 powder and its been worked up carefully to 54.5 as of now, the target being 57 with a speed of over 34oo feet per second at the muzzle.
Now, our victim!
On impact, the bottle flew 7 feet to the left, and I could see the explosion of water and paper in the scope. As the pics show, at least half the contents was blown out, and I measured 30 feet from the impact to the farthest bits of wet newspaper.
It really shows that th V-max is performing as designed, giving rapid and devastating transfer of energy, and expanding without needing to penetrate that far first.
The exit was rather oblong and I wonder what remained of the bullet to make that hole. The bottle is blown nearly in half.
I really, really have to film this impact!
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